During the winter months with the cold and wet weather, it can be difficult to do trips out and about with the residents.
However at Mayfield we always try to get the residents out throughout the year as much as possible.
The residents especially enjoy getting wrapped up and off out for a little trip for a nice coffee, to the pub or for a spot of lunch.
"I feel the care here at Mayfield is outstanding, they go above and beyond to help all of the residents. The residents were all happy and laughing every minute I was here."
J Howarth, Entertainer
"Despite an enormous work load, all staff contribute to the excellent family atmosphere. My son could not be in a better place."
A R Hoyle
"I see 2 clients within the home and the staff are always positive towards the clients and they are always willing to provide a person centred approach in meeting clients' needs."
Community Learning Disability Nurse
"Very happy with my care. I feel well supported and I am being supported to become more independent."
Debbie, Resident
For more information or a quick chat about the services we offer and your own situation, please contact us on our contact for here or using the contact details below.
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